One of the most frequently used abbreviations in marketing is B2B, from Business to Business English. This means a business relationship between two business entities, that is companies, and therefore, for example, between the producer and the supplier.
Every marketing activity, in order to bring the desired effect, must be carefully thought out and take into account many aspects. Despite such a huge technological advance and the development of marketing in the Internet, direct contact is still one of the best and most frequently chosen ways of establishing relationships, both with the client and with a business partner. It is on this contact that the commercial and service market in the world was built and even today it is an important tool for concluding transaction agreements.
The company as a customer
To determine the nature of the market relationship, B2C and B2B are used. In the first case, it is about contacting the company with the consumer, the simplest example being the transaction in the store when the finished product goes to the buyer. It is probably the simplest and fastest transaction operating within the market. In the case of B2B relations, the matter starts to get complicated. Contracts concluded between companies require a lot of work, energy, many meetings, calls or e-mails, and their conclusion often follows after a few weeks or months of negotiations.
We will call B2B marketing a process that includes a multi-level marketing strategy. As a result of this process, we can exchange your business contacts for new customers. B2B marketing has many elements in common with marketing towards consumers, but its assumptions are implemented in a slightly different way. To build the best strategy for our company, pay attention to several important elements.
B2B strategy steps
The first of them is taking care of the company’s image, that is broadly understood PR, thanks to which we can return and keep the attention of the potential client. Then, prepare the exact profile of the recipient we are interested in, that is, the company with which we would like to establish a business relationship. For example, in the case of a company producing medicines and dietary supplements, a valuable business partner will be a producer of capsules, packaging or a company offering labeling and marking services. The research and analytical laboratory will be happy to establish cooperation with suppliers of raw materials, and a huge production plant with a machine manufacturer or a provider of dedicated software and IT. In B2B relations, long-term cooperation with a contractor is usually the most valuable.
In the next step of developing a B2B marketing strategy, you should look for places where our company can come into contact with the customer interested in us. Today, these are all mass media, various types of social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn, or industry events. The most popular events include trade fairs, trainings, conferences, congresses and galas – these are often the best platforms for building relationships and business meetings. Thanks to the nice and loose atmosphere prevailing there, the strongest and long-lasting relationships are built, often able to generate a steady profit on both sides.
When we collect all information about the potential customer and the best ways to reach him, complete the marketing brief taking into account this data. All that remains is to develop the most appropriate marketing campaign based on the brief and its implementation.
Trade fairs as a response to B2B needs
B2B trade fairs carry almost unlimited development potential. A properly constructed strategic plan aimed at participation in trade fairs is pure profit and a guarantee of the best investment funds. The first and only Polish Fair of Suppliers for the Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry PCI Days is aimed at enabling its exhibitors and visitors to implement the B2B marketing principles in every detail. During their stay, guests can get acquainted with the wide range of not only companies with an established position in the market, but also new manufacturers and suppliers in the industry, carrying fresh ideas and innovative patents. Numerous occasions for meetings, business talks and exchange of contacts are an excellent contribution to making the best decisions related to current and planned undertakings.
To learn how to effectively prepare for a trade fair event, please read our Exhibitor’s Guide. You will find there a lot of valuable tips, so that the development of the most effective trade strategy will become simple and pleasant.